Our purpose at Westwood Christian Co-op is to partner with parents in order to:
- Foster each child’s awareness that s/he is a unique child of God and help develop his/her God-given potential.
- Encourage social, emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual development of the child in an atmosphere of Christian love and acceptance.
- Nurture and develop self-esteem and loving concern for others through participation in group activities with children of his/her own age.

Spiritual Development
is enhanced through sharing Bible stories, exploring God’s world, songs and prayer.
Physical Development
occurs through activities with balls, bean bags, balance beam, parachute, and scoot boards. Small motor skills are enhanced through pegboards, puzzles, sewing, painting, cutting, and various learning games.
skills such as helping, cooperating, negotiating, and problem solving are developed. Free and directed playtime.
is encouraged through music, art, and drama. Some activities include: block building, playdough, dramatic play, story telling and acting, drawing, puppetry, and creative movement.
Readiness Activities
help develop the following skills: recognition of colors and shapes; sorting and patterning; introduction to letters, numbers, and counting.
God’s World
is explored through science and social studies units and field trips. Observing, classifying, and graphing skills are introduced.